A box of High Quality Chocolates and Greet of love basket.
Pass along the meaning of pink roses which is a promise of everlasting love. It will definitely brighten someone's day! Vlentine's Day or White Day gift for someone' in Korea.
Product consists: Pink and Cream rose with seasonal blooms and greens.
Dimension: 45 * 40 cm
购买此产品,您可以获得 10 忠诚度积分. 您的购物车有总共 10 忠诚度积分 能换成优惠折扣,价值 $2.00.
Greet of love + HQ Chocolates (2101282)
A box of High Quality Chocolates and Greet of love basket.
Pass along the meaning of pink roses which is a promise of everlasting love. It will definitely brighten someone's day! Vlentine's Day or White Day gift for someone' in Korea.
Product consists: Pink and Cream rose with seasonal blooms and greens.
Dimension: 45 * 40 cm
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A box of High Quality Chocolates and Greet of love basket.
Pass along the meaning of pink roses which is a promise of everlasting love. It will definitely brighten someone's day! Vlentine's Day or White Day gift for someone' in Korea.
Product consists: Pink and Cream rose with seasonal blooms and greens.
Dimension: 45 * 40 cm
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