Red carnation basket (16041705)

A sweet basket to make someone smile. This basket is filled with red roses and carnations, and accented with seasonal flowers. A traditional favorite for Parents' day.

Dimension: 40cm x 35cm

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この商品を買うことによって寄せ集めることができます。 26 ポイント. カートは合計されます 26 ポイント それはクーポンに変換することができます $5.20.


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A sweet basket to make someone smile. This basket is filled with red roses and carnations, and accented with seasonal flowers. A traditional favorite for Parents' day.

Dimension: 40cm x 35cm

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Corsage Orders on the day of Parents' Day cannot be accepted by rushed.

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Red carnation basket (16041705)

Red carnation basket (16041705)

A sweet basket to make someone smile. This basket is filled with red roses and carnations, and accented with seasonal flowers. A traditional favorite for Parents' day.

Dimension: 40cm x 35cm
